isolation (from prompts)

We are not made for isolation
only alone-liness, desert island dwelling.
It tempts at times,
but only as a temporary aberration,
when life has been too full awhile.
When we’ve been unable to skate the surface layer,
the meniscus of life buoying us like an insect
leaving the depths unplumbed.
A short term refuge – 
a den under the stairs
or the back of a wardrobe filled with coats
holding the scents of fusty winters
can bring relief – 
only so long as it’s not for long.
We’ll long for more
We may lie in bed and dream
or see pictures in the stains on the ceiling
and resolve to repair and paint
But we are not born to be static – 
rather ecstatic, changing, in motion.
Mere reflections can shatter to plunge us into the mud.


Surface layer

Under the stairs

Stains on the ceiling

Think of changing


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